Hustle Mama Is The Magazine For Today’s Powerhouse Woman: Learn More About Dr. Stefany Jones, The Empowered Woman Behind It

Dr. Stefany Jones, also known as The Hustle Mama, changed her outlook on life after a near-death experience and non-drug induced coma. Since then she has focused on making a difference on others’ lives.

Since that near-death experience, I have operated in spirit first and foremost.” Stefany says, and adds. “Survival motivated me to start my business. I was let go from a job and I felt as if the universe was opening the door for me to shift my thinking and approach towards life and working for someone else. I’ve always been a giver, a teacher, and a builder of communities. I have always enjoyed making a difference in others’ lives.”

For the last nine years, Stefany has owned and operated one of the first ever digital magazines (at the time): Hustle Mama: The Magazine for Today’s POWERHOUSE Woman. The magazine has grown enough to build a community of women who support each other, which Stefany calls her tribe.

“I’ve been teaching others how to build their businesses (or thrive in their careers) by living their best lives, operating in their gifts, and walking in purpose. I help women discover their gifts, live in alignment with those gifts and thrive in their divine purpose so they can pay it forward and help the rest of humanity do the same.” Stefany shares.

Hustle Mama is translated into over 40 languages and has about 40K unique visitors to their website every month. Stefany has been able to run it without investors for almost a decade.

“I am also a certified coach and teach women entrepreneurs how to create 10 streams of income from their business product, service or idea.” Stefany states.

In addition, Stefany is a digital real estate investor who owns about 1,700 properties (domain names) and is a licensed insurance broker in 15 states. Besides this, she has provided support and advice to companies in various industries for more than 30 years.

“I’ve proudly provided my expertise in Higher Education, the Non-Profit Sector, and Private Industry for more than 30 years. I’ve worked in Academia (on the Administration side) for one of the top Ivy’s and as an executive for one of the largest Affordable Housing Developers in the country – in both Mortgage Banking and Real Estate Development.” She says.

Through it all, Stefany was focused on taking care of her family. She is the mother of three children, and wanted to make sure she could provide a good life for them. Against all odds, she has been able to do this.

“There is no such thing as competition and we have to stop believing that there is. I don’t think there is such a thing as competition for some of us. I am not in a race of any kind and my needs and goals are always met. Those who meet me on the path of my operating in my gifts, who are helped, taught, or become better at what they are trying to accomplish, are who I am doing this for. Those who don’t connect with me, don’t understand me, or don’t like me, are not who I am doing it for. The goal is for people to learn, thrive, and become better human beings.”

Because of this, Stefany believes that success is waking up every day with gratitude, inspiration, enthusiasm, motivation, and an indescribable joy in her heart. As well as, of course, having a roof over her head, food on her table, love in her home and, as she says, “ideas to sow as creative seeds to make them bear fruit.”

“To be able to look at everything you’ve been through and encountered with a warmth and feeling that it’s all been FOR YOUR GOOD no matter what it looked like, seemed like, or felt like? THAT is success.” Stefany adds.

Stefany has several projects coming up this year. They are growing the magazine and implementing a pioneering aggressive strategic plan. They will launch the magazine in more languages and continue to grow the tribe.

My community of women entrepreneurs is growing steadily and I love our direction. We have built an awesome Facebook group and it has evolved to become the place of healing, the place of blessing, and the place of abundance. The last big project we are working on is in the technology space. We’re looking to bring to market some platforms and technologies that we’ve been working on for the last few years and that’s always fun, so I’m looking forward to that.” Stefany explains.

Learn more about Stefany, Hustle Mama and other projects here.